Central Tech web design is creative, professional and affordable!
Our basic business website design starts at just $400*. Responsive website design that looks great on all devices - PCs, laptops, tablets and phones - starts at $1200*.
Our websites use the free WordPress open-source blog publishing application and content management system (CMS). It contains both static web pages like a traditional website and blog posts that will help draw search engines to your site. There are many other options for your site - add a shopping cart, create a social media site, start a forum, schedule appointments, make an employment application form, build a business directory and much more.
* these prices are based on your agreement to register your domain & purchase one year of website hosting through us.
The WordPress application provides a web-based interface, giving you the ability to quickly and easily change the content on your web pages without having to learn to use web development software. Best of all, that means no more paying for changes to your website content! We provide training so that you will feel confident and comfortable in maintaining your website.
Whether you need a simple business website or an e-commerce website with a shopping cart Central Tech Solutions can help you.
Getting started with your new website is quick and easy. The best way to begin is to contact Central Tech Solutions by using our contact form to email us. We can help with the domain registration process, setting up web hosting, installing the software and most importantly designing a website theme customized to your logo or color preferences. Many of the steps may seem confusing but Central Tech Solutions will help and guide you through the process.
The first step is meeting with Central Tech Solutions for approximately a one hour to discuss the technical details and to start the design for your website. This meeting can be in person or done via phone or video conference.
During the meeting we can register or transfer a domain name. We can also select your website hosting plan. Domain registration starts at $16.99 a year for .com and website hosting plans start at $9.99 a month.
After the hosting account has been activated, Central Tech Solutions will set up the software needed for your website. If the website theme we have designed is ready we will also upload it.
Finally you will have another meeting with Central Tech Solutions to learn how to add, update and delete content, to insert pictures or other media into your website, and how to add links to other websites.